Animation & VR
While we generally have focused on still imagery there are occasions when, to tell the whole story, more is needed. Animation or Virtual reality can take storytelling to the next level. Below are some example projects where we’ve worked with our clients to produce animations to help them communicate their designs.
FJMT - UNSW Masterplan Competition
We worked on a tight schedule to produce an animation of FJMT’s competition submission for the University of New South Wales Campus. Along with the final video we provided 9 still images within the three week competition program.
Lend Lease - Forest Hill Aged Care
Lend Lease wanted to present a new design proposal to the current occupants of an aged care facility in Melbourne and felt an animated video would be easier to understand than drawings or still images from around the site. We worked on a quick program with their in-house design team to give some of the larger apartment blocks some character as well as emphasising the landscape proposal and new bowls green.
world trade centre sydney
Woods Bagot & Aerotropolis
This masterplan proposal by Aerotropolis and designed by Woods Bagot is a vision of the future of Western Sydney and required compelling content to generate interest in the project. We worked with Woods Bagot over a number of phases of the project as it developed. Producing the first Animation 3 years before the final video was compiled. Needless to say we’ve learned a lot in that time.
Phase 01
The brief initially required three still images of the project that were then to be incorporated into a fly through animation that could be animated with silhouetted people. There is also a longer edit that sequences through some of the site diagrams and geography of the site and region.
Phase 2
A Few years later additional land adjacent to the site was acquired and an additional masterplan proposal developed by Woods Bagot. This was then animated in a similar fashion and incorporated into a longer video complete with a narrator.
Virtual Reality
We have only had a few opportunities to use VR with our clients but look forward to being able to work more in this space in the future. Most example of working in this format have been in the form of 360 spherical renders. These allow the client to load the still image onto the VR headset and look around the space. These enable a very realistic understanding of the space and particularly scale while remaining relatively low cost in production. These are rendered out as mono or stereo cubemaps like the strips below. This captures the 6 sides of a virtual cube from the position in the scene which are then stitched together to create a seamless “bubble” from which the headset looks out.